
Florida flvs
Florida flvs

florida flvs

The courses are free to any student in the state. The courses were built on the Sunshine State Standards and can be adjusted as new standards are adopted because the curriculum is provided in a virtual environment. Success is measured by outcomes rather than seat time, so there are no attendance records to be kept. Like public schools, FLVS receives state funding for each enrolled student, but unlike public schools, FLVS only gets those funds when a student successfully completes a course. Its motto is “any time, any place, any path, any pace.” The winner of numerous state, national, and international awards, FLVS is now the national model in virtual education according to the US DOE and the Southern Regional Education Board. The Florida Virtual School (FLVS) was established as a statewide public school in 2001. Things will most likely change again during the 2010 Session, so HEF will keep you apprised. Here are the facts with the most accurate information that can be discerned for this school year. The last piece of the puzzle was to work out how home education students who take virtual courses were to be classified by the FHSAA for extracurricular activities. It has been challenging to gather the facts and compare all the variations. At that point, the 67 school districts scrambled to create their own virtual instruction program, and the vendors moved at neck-breaking speed to try to beat all the rest to get the contract with the school districts. Everyone knew there was going to be a bill, but no one knew exactly what was going to be in the legislation until it finally appeared. There was “virtually” no public discussion of the bill, and the conforming bill appeared with the budget 4 days before the end of Session. which passed in the final days of the 2009 Session. HEF has been sorting out all the variations of s.

Florida flvs